Passau Summer School for Applied Ethics

The Passau Summer School for Applied Ethics (PASSAE) is an one-week interdisciplinary and international event for students focussing on current issues in Applied Ethics. Since 2024, it takes place annually.

The summer school is open to students from all disciplines.

History & Memory: Ethical Dimensions

4. - 8.8.2025


The second Passau Summer School for Applied Ethics invites participants to engage with ethical questions surounding historical memory and justice in today’s world. From exploring the moral duties of remembering history to addressing duties of anamnestic justice, this Summer School provides a unique platform to reflect on how we can engage with historical memory in ethically sound way. 

Together, we will investigate questions, such as: 

  • Is engaging with history a moral duty? 
  • What do the duties of anamnestic justice entail? 
  • How can we ensure justice for historical injustice in the present? 
  • What role do digital technologies play in sharping our engagement with the past? 

Coming from different academic disciplines, but working together, we will develop new perspectives on pressing ethical questions. Participants will learn from leading experts and work creatively in interdisciplinary teams to develop new perspectives.

For more information, please visit the following website: Program 2025

insightS from Students

PASSAE – Statement: Irina Percemli (2024)

I am Irina Percemli and I come from Leiden University, but originally, I am from Moldova and I have been studying in many different universities. I think I loved the overall atmosphere of the city, because I didn’t know anything about Passau. I only knew that it’s a small city, but when I came here it was amazing. This atmosphere of so many students being in a small place and having these projects, I really liked that I met so many interesting people who are doing these projects.

PASSAE – Statement: Wei-Chung Chen (2024)

I would definitely recommend it for a lot of reasons. First, it is very good for either philosophical students or even when you are not one of them, because this class just seem to combine both, the philosophical part and the practical part. I am sure this will be very nice for those who want to have also radical insights about those current contemporary issues.

PASSAE – Statement: Zorana Ecimovic (2024)

Hi, my name is Zorana and I come from Serbia, from Belgrade. I would recommend PASSAE because you can only gain from it. You gain some new knowledge, friendships, contacts. You will probably get new ideas and you don’t have to have a solid base in philosophy to participate. You only have to have an open mind and an adventurous heart. 

If you want to stay informed about PASSAE, please subscribe to our newsletter!

We thank the Passau International Center for Interdisciplinary Research (PICAIS) for supporting PASSAE 2025.

University of Passau – Professorship of Applied Ethics –